Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Cities reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All times listed are Central Standard Time unless otherwise noted.

Instructions to submit RFPs for this site.

Get notifications of new RFP listings via email when you join the LMC Business Leadership Council!

AIRPORT ARCHITECTURAL-ENGINEERING FIRMS. The City of Hutchinson, Minnesota is requesting qualifications (RFQ) from consulting airport architectural-engineering-planning firms to provide services associated with airport improvements at Hutchinson Municipal Airport – Ken Butler Field. Full detail and submission details are available at the City of Hutchinson website: The information should be submitted no later than 1 p.m. on March 14, 2025.  Direct statements of qualifications and other inquiries should be sent to: Donovan Schuette, Public Works Manager, phone (320) 234-4473 or

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. The City of Cold Spring is seeking proposals for professional architectural and construction administration services for a remodel project for a City Hall and Police Department facility. The team shall include civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering services and will provide building plans, elevations, related details and updated estimates at design phases of the project. The team shall coordinate bidding of the project to include preparation of bid documents. A copy of the RFP can be obtained by contacting Cold Spring City Administrator Kris Dockendorf at (320) 685-3653 or All proposals shall be submitted to the City of Cold Spring at 27 Red River Ave S, Cold Spring, MN 56320 by 4 p.m. CST on March 20, 2025.

ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES. The St. Cloud Metropolitan Transit Commission (DBA – Metro Bus) is soliciting proposals from qualified Architectural & Engineering firms to provide turn-key design, engineering, build, bidding, contracting, and complete construction management services for an additional public transit center. The primary objective is to hire a single firm to design and engineer a modern public transportation hub based on the specifications provided by Metro Bus. The selected firm will also prepare a competitive bid solicitation for qualified construction firms that will adhere to all Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations along with any requirements or items that were identified during the NEPA process. Proposals in accordance with the specifications of the RFP will be received in the office of Metro Bus until Monday, April 21, 2025, 12 p.m. Late proposals will not be considered. The Request for Proposal (RFP) and all supporting documentation may be obtained from the Metro Bus website or by contacting: Gary Korneck, Procurement Manager: or 320-529-4488. 

BOND COUNSEL SERVICES. The City of Maplewood is requesting proposals from qualified law firms to perform bond counsel services. The City seeks bond counsel services for the following types of bonded indebtedness: General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds, Conduit Revenue Bond Sales, and General Obligation (G.O.) Revenue Bonds. A full copy of the RFP is available on the City’s website. Proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. For more information, please contact Lois Knutson, Senior Administrative Manager at (651) 249-2051 or

CITY PAVILION AND PARK. The City of Detroit Lakes is seeking proposal from architects that possess qualifications to provide full architectural and engineering (A/E) services for a new City Pavilion and improvements to City Park. Interested firms must submit their proposal by 2 p.m. on Friday, March 21, 2025. Late proposals will not be considered. Interested firms shall submit 5 bound copies, one unbound copy, and an electronic version (pdf) by 2 p.m. on March 21, 2025, to the attention of Kelcey Klemm, City Administrator, 1025 Roosevelt Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501. A copy of the full RFP may be viewed at Prospective responders with questions regarding this request for proposal may contact: Kelcey Klemm, City Administrator, City of Detroit Lakes (218) 846-7123 or The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity in a proposal, and to accept or reject any item or a combination of items.

CITY PROSECUTOR. The City of Mahnomen is soliciting proposals from qualified attorney’s or qualified law firm(s) to represent the City in prosecution matters. Preference will be given to those submittals demonstrating experience in this area of municipal criminal law. The successful applicant or firm shall possess sufficient resources to ensure that the demands for the City’s legal needs will be met on a timely basis. Included in this RFP is a more detailed description of the services to be provided, an outline of the proposal requirements, a description of the proposal review process, and a description of required contract ethics. In order to ensure a fair review and selection process, firms or individuals submitting proposals are specifically requested not to make other contacts to the City staff or council members regarding these proposals. If there are questions regarding this process, or to obtain a copy of the Request for Proposal contemplated herein for submission, should be directed to: Taylor Guenther, City Administrator, 104 W Madison Ave; P.O. Box 250, Mahnomen, MN 56557, (218) 935-2573 or Failure to comply with this request may result in disqualification of the proposal. Proposals should be received no later than 4 p.m. on March 27, 2025.

CITYWIDE SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES. The City of Monticello is requesting proposals for citywide solid waste and recycling services. You can obtain a full copy of the RFP by going to the city’s website at  If you have any questions, please contact Public Works at          

CLASSIFICATION & COMPENSATION STUDY. The City of Crookston is requesting proposals for professional services for the completion of a Classification and Compensation Study. Full details and criteria are available at the City of Crookston’s website: Proposals must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2025, to Tionna Rendon, HR Coordinator by email or mail Crookston City Hall 124 North Broadway Crookston, MN 56716. 

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The City of Preston is accepting proposals to update the City Comprehensive Plan. The full RFP can be viewed on the city’s website or requested by email at All questions about the RFP shall be directed to the City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton by email listed in the RFP or by phone at 507-765-2153. Proposals must be submitted by March 13, 2025 at 4 p.m.

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. The City of Foley is soliciting responses to an RFP for the design, financing, and construction of single-family and multi-family housing on city-owned land located in Foley. Financial incentives to assist with the development of this project are available. A copy of the full City of Foley Housing Development RFP is available on the city’s website: Questions on the RFP are due in writing to Sarah Brunn, City Administrator,, by Feb. 21. Questions will be answered by Feb. 28 and posted on the city’s website. Proposals are due at Foley City Hall (251 4th Avenue N, PO Box 709, Foley, MN 56329) by April 29 by 4 p.m.

INSURANCE AGENT OF RECORD SERVICES. The City of Edina is issuing this RFP for insurance brokers to act as the agent of record for five years beginning July 1, 2025.  Insurance coverage for property, liability, automobile, and worker’s compensation is provided by the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (“LMCIT”). A copy of the full RFP can be obtained on the City’s website. Proposals are due to the City by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025.  For more information, please contact Amy Murray, Risk and Safety Manager at (952) 903-5779 or

RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. The Resilient Communities Project (RCP) is currently accepting proposals from local government agencies anywhere in Minnesota for partnerships to begin fall 2025. Selected partners benefit from applied research and technical assistance on one or more locally defined projects, provided by graduate and professional students and faculty at the University of Minnesota from a wide range of academic departments and disciplines. Proposals must include a minimum of three discrete projects intended to advance community sustainability and resilience. RCP encourages projects that address racial, economic, or other inequities and disparities in Minnesota. Matching funds are available from the Metropolitan Council for agencies located within the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area and within the Council’s jurisdiction. Deadline for proposals is April 15, 2025. Learn more at

TREE REMOVAL/TREE TRIMMING & EMERGENCY SERVICES. The City of Mound is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide tree removal/tree trimming & emergency services. In order to be considered, all proposals in response to this RFP must be received by the City of Mound no later than 4 p.m. on March 14, 2025. RFP details can be found on the city website. Proposals shall be submitted by email, fax, mail or delivery to: Mound City Hall, Attn: Ryan Prich, 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Mound, MN 55364. Email: Questions can be directed to Ryan Prich, Public Works Director at or (612) 965-2565.